
Below is a listing of select Hilltop publications and presentations. You can search by type, topic, date, and/or title. The search function searches for key words in both the title and the publication summary. Click on the publication’s title below to go to its summary.

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Cross-Validation of Insurer and Hospital Price Transparency Data

Hilltop researchers Morgan Henderson, PhD, and Morgane Mouslim, DVM, SCM, published this article in the August 2024 issue of The American Journal of Managed CareThe first research of its kind, the piece compares the two different federally mandated sources of public, freely available health services price transparency data (insurer and hospital) for prices for maternity-related services negotiated between Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Mississippi and 26 Mississippi hospitals. Drs. Henderson and Mouslim examined the procedure code overlap for these pricing data sources, and then, for overlapping procedure codes, assessed price congruence. They found low levels of overlap: only 16.3% of hospital-billing code combinations appear in both data sources. However, for the overlapping observations, price concordance is high, with 77.4% of prices matching to the penny. The relatively low degree of overlap between the two pricing data sources indicates significant administrative misalignment between these pricing files; however, the strong concordance of overlapping prices suggests that these data sources are capturing pricing information from the same underlying contracts, as intended. This study is part of the ongoing research conducted by The Hilltop Institute on price transparency.

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Behind the Curtain: Comparing Predictive Models' Performance in 2 Publicly Insured Populations

Hilltop researchers Morgan Henderson, PhD, Leigh Goetschius, PhD, and Fei Han, PhD, co-authored this article published in Medical Care.

Predictive models have proliferated in the health system in recent years and have been used to predict both health services utilization and medical outcomes. Less is known, however, on how these models function and how they might adapt to different contexts. The purpose of the current study is to shed light on the inner workings of a large-scale predictive model deployed in 2 distinct populations, with a particular emphasis on adaptability issues.

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Health Service Utilization of Medicaid Beneficiaries Receiving Supportive Housing Services

Senior Policy Analyst MaryAnn Mood, MA, gave a podium presentation at the 2024 AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting (ARM) held June 29 – July 2 in Baltimore.

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