Below is a listing of select Hilltop publications and presentations. You can search by type, topic, date, and/or title. The search function searches for key words in both the title and the publication summary. Click on the publication’s title below to go to its summary.
Hilltop Director of Analytics & Research Morgan Henderson, Senior Director of Health Reform Studies Laura Spicer, and Interim Executive Director Alice Middleton discuss their re-examination of 2018-2019 enrollment data from Arkansas Works (the state’s Medicaid work requirement program) in this article published in the Health Affairs Forefront series.
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Currently, the federal government pays at least 50% of state Medicaid costs through the Federal Medical Assistance Percentage (FMAP) and pays a higher percentage in states with lower average per capita incomes. A proposed Medicaid reform would remove the 50% floor and reduce federal Medicaid funding for some states. The Congressional Budget Office estimates that this would lead to $530 billion in federal savings over 10 years. Hilltop Director of Analytics & Research Morgan Henderson, Senior Data Scientist Leigh Goetschius, and Interim Executive Director Alice Middleton analyzed this potential policy change and found that the effects would be concentrated in only 10 states, with federal Medicaid spending to these states reduced by over $35 billion annually.
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Hilltop Policy Analyst Advanced Roberto Millar, PhD, and Director of Aging and Disability Studies Christin Diehl coauthored this article published in Nursing Reports. This article discusses the results of a cross-sectional study that utilizes public data from 218 Medicare and Medicaid-certified nursing facilities in Maryland to examine the association between staffing requirements and quality of care ratings, as well as the role facility ownership plays.
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