Jennifer Park
Policy Specialist
Jennifer Park is a policy specialist for The Hilltop Institute’s Medicaid policy studies team. She assists policy analysts as needed, updates memos and technical specification forms, performs data entry, reviews deliverables, researches background information for projects, and provides training for students. Jennifer works on redetermination deliverables for the Maryland Department of Health and performs quality checks on the data. She also works on the Encounter Data Validation report, Substance Use Disorder Monitoring project, and the annual Maryland Medicaid HealthChoice Evaluation.
Prior to joining Hilltop in her current role, Jennifer was an intern for the same team. She performed data entry, formatted tables and charts, collaborated on and reviewed deliverables for the Maryland Department of Health, and assisted in research for literature reviews and projects. Before that, Jennifer was a pharmacy intern and market access intern in Pennsylvania.
Jennifer graduated cum laude from UMBC with a BA in public health (and a track in population health). She also attended the Duquesne University School of Pharmacy.