News & Bulletins Archive

The Center, in partnership with the MD Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DHMH), has received funding from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Changes in Health Care Financing and Organization (HCFO) program to conduct a two-year study on the interactive effects of Medicare- and Medicaid-provided services, particularly with respect to rate-setting for coordinated/integrated programs of care for those who are enrolled under both programs (duals). The Center’s Tony Tucker headed up the development of the grant application and will serve as a co-principal investigator. Judy Kasper of Johns Hopkins University will also serve as a co-investigator. Tricia Roddy at DHMH will serve as the formal project director, which will ensure that the grant funds will generate matching federal funds to conduct the study.

The Center’s Executive Director, Chuck Milligan, presented information on the benefits of pursuing health insurance coverage for children and adolescents in Idaho on January 9 at the Cover Idaho Kids Coalition Meeting and Research Discussion. Funded by the Robert Wood Johnson State Coverage Initiatives program administered by AcademyHealth, these presentations gave an overview of research and literature that shows the positive relationship between health insurance coverage and good health outcomes. Milligan discussed the benefits of coverage to the child, the family, the community, and the system: that insurance coverage allows children and their families to access health care earlier, which can prevent more serious health problems and illnesses, thereby avoiding the need to use more expensive services, such as emergency rooms. Laura Spicer, a research assistant at the Center, reviewed the literature for the presentations.

Chuck Milligan gave a brief presentation on October 18 at the Center for Medicare Advocacy’s conference, Medicare Advantage Special Needs Plans: A Beneficiary Perspective. The conference brought together beneficiary advocates, health policy advocates, researchers, SNP providers, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) officials, and Congressional staff. The conference proceedings were anchored by three background papers, two of which were written by Chuck Milligan and Cynthia Woodcock. Invitees discussed and framed a set of recommendations to present to Congress and CMS. To view Chuck’s presentation on connecting SNPs with state Medicaid programs, click here. To view the conference details and other materials, click here.

On June 12, 2007, the Center for Health Program Development and Management sponsored a symposium examining the evolving mental health system, how efforts to diffuse evidence-based practices and better coordinate services across agencies and branches of medicine are paying off, and the extent to which Medicaid managed care and other newer programming and financing strategies are helping transform the system. View the for the program and presentations.

The Center has produced a summary for the mental health symposium it hosted on June 12. This piece highlights the day’s proceedings, including a summary of each speaker’s presentation and overarching themes. Click here to read more on the events of Moving Forward: Designing and Financing Mental Health Services in an Era of Transformation.

On June 7, 2007, the Center for Health Program Development and Management, together with the UMBC Department of Public Policy, sponsored a public policy forum examining emergency room services in Maryland. Click here for the program and presentations.

Effective immediately, Ann Volpel has been selected to direct the Center’s Acute Care Policy Unit. Ms. Volpel, who joined the Center as a research analyst in 2001, will now be responsible for directing the Center’s work on Medicaid managed care policy, financing, and performance assessment, working with Maryland and other states. She will also manage the Center’s work related to behavioral health and state coverage initiatives. She succeeds John O’Brien, who left the Center in January to join the Maryland Health Services Cost Review Commission.

The Center for Health Program Development and Management has been providing strategic and analytical support to the federal Medicaid Commission and assisting with preparation of the Commission’s final report. On November 16, 2006, in Washington, Chuck Milligan, the Center’s executive director, delivered this presentation as part of the discussion of the Commission’s final report and recommendations:

Chairman’s Mark and Proposed Amendments

On November 28, 2006, the Medicaid Commission released its final recommendations.

Todd Eberly, a senior research analyst at the Center, has received the 2006 Annual Dissertation Award from the National Association of Schools of Public Affairs and Administration (NASPAA) for his dissertation entitled, Managing the Gap: Evaluating the Impact of Medicaid Managed Care on Service Use and Disparities in Health Care Access. Dr. Eberly examined whether racial and ethnic minorities experience disparate access to preventive health services in Maryland Medicaid and whether Maryland ‘s transition to Medicaid managed care had an impact on disparities. He received a Ph.D. in Public Policy from UMBC this past spring.

Click here for the Policy Brief on Dr. Eberly’s Dissertation
Click here for Dr. Eberly’s Dissertation.

Chuck Milligan, executive director of the Center for Health Program Development and Management, delivered these presentations to the federal Medicaid Commission in Washington, D.C., on September 6, 2006:

Medicaid Systemswide Administration

Medicaid Reimbursement Policy

A survey of Maryland Medicaid beneficiaries conducted by the Center in 2005 found a significant discrepancy in Medicaid enrollment between state records and the Current Population Survey (CPS) administered by the U.S. Census Bureau. To address the CPS undercount, the Center recommended that the Census Bureau alter the 2005 CPS survey instrument to include “Medical Assistance” as an alternative name for the Maryland Medicaid program.  This is the name by which Medicaid is known to most Maryland Medicaid enrollees. The 2005 CPS, released August 29, 2006, reports a 15 percent increase in Maryland Medicaid enrollees, along with a slight decline in the number of uninsured Marylanders. While the CPS still reports a significant undercount in Maryland Medicaid enrollees, the undercount is now in the range of the national average (20%-25%).  The increase in the number of Medicaid enrollees and the decrease in the number of uninsured are in line with estimates presented in the Center’s report.

For the Center’s report, The Maryland Current Population Survey Medicaid Undercount Study, click here.

To see the 2005 CPS released on August 29, 2006, click here.

Center staff gave two presentations at the AcademyHealth 2006 Annual Research Meeting in Seattle , Washington . Todd Eberly, Ph.D., senior research analyst, delivered this presentation to the Child Health Services Research Meeting on June 24, 2006: Evaluating the Impact of Medicaid Managed Care on Preventive Health Care Use by Children and Adolescents

Chuck Milligan, executive director of the Center, delivered this presentation at the session entitled, “Medicaid Reform: What’s Working and What’s Not?” on Sunday, June 25, 2006: Medicaid Reform: Policy Roundtable Discussion

Chuck Milligan delivered the keynote address to the 5th Annual Medicaid Research Conference in Tallahassee , Florida , on June 1, 2006.

Medicaid Consumer-Directed Health Purchasing (as explained by Yogi Berra)

The Center for Health Program Development and Management will host a one-day symposium on June 13, 2006, entitled The Changing Health Insurance Market: Implications for Public Policy and for State Government Purchasers. Click here for more information or contact Joyce Meyers at 410.455.6377 or

Chuck Milligan, executive director of the Center for Health Program Development and Management, delivered this presentation to the federal Medicaid Commission in Dallas on May 17, 2006: Who Are the Dual Eligibles?