Hilltop Presents at NASHP Maximizing Enrollment for Kids Conference
Hilltop Executive Director Charles Milligan gave a panel presentation at the National Academy for State Health Policy’s Maximizing Enrollment for Kids Conference in Washington, D.C. on September 25, 2009. The panel, Streamlining Enrollment: One-Lane Highway to Express Lane, addressed the new CHIPRA Express Lane Eligibility option and early state experiences with automated enrollment strategies, including Maryland’s Kids First Initiative. Milligan’s presentation, entitled Maryland’s Kids First Act: Using Tax Forms to Identify Medicaid/SCHIP-Eligible Children, described the Act and its requirements; Maryland’s implementation; and the Hilltop evaluation of the outreach effort of using state income tax forms to identify and enroll uninsured but eligible children in Medicaid or CHIP. To view the presentation, click here.
September 26, 2009